Nets Up Day

The Premises Committee is looking for help on putting the nets up on Sunday April 2 from 9:30am to 12pm (approximately). If you are available to come out, please come out to the club at 9:30am.

Please keep an eye on the forecast, if the forecast calls for rain on the 2nd, please come out to the rain date: Saturday April 8th.

Students are welcomed to come out and help to get volunteer hours!

Please note that on Nets Up Day, there are no washrooms available, so please make sure you go to the washroom before coming out. Please wear warm work clothes. Getting the nets and windscreens up will take around 2-3hours. The more volunteers, the faster it’ll get done!

Refreshments will be available to volunteers!

Please keep an eye out for the email announcing when the online court booking system will open. It will be be sent out shortly after the nets go up.


Thank you to our Volunteers!


Court Booking Parameter Update